Source code for pycotools3.viz

# -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
 This file is part of pycotools3.

 pycotools3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 pycotools3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with pycotools3.  If not, see <>.


 $Author: Ciaran Welsh
 $Date: 12-09-2016 
 Time:  20:33

This module facilitates the visualziation of modelling tasks such as time courses and
parameter estimations.

Here are some kwargs used in most classes within the viz module:

.. _kwargs:


.. _plot-kwargs:

Kwargs for plotting

These keyword arguments are passed on to matplotlib

==========  ======================================
kwarg       Description
==========  ======================================
linestyle   `str`.
marker      `str`
linewidth   `int`
markersize  `int`
alpha       `float` (0-1). Translucency of a patch
title       `str` figure title
xlabel      `str` label for x axis
ylabel      `str` label for y axis
show        `bool` show the plot
==========  ======================================

Each class in this module share a common set of kwargs to control saving figure to file. They are:

.. _savefig-kwargs:

savefig kwargs

==================  ========================================
kwarg               Description
==================  ========================================
savefig             `bool`. Save plot to file. Default=False
results_directory   `str`. Folder to save to if savefig=True
title               `str`. Title of the plot
xlabel              `str`. label for x axis
ylabel              `str`. label for y axis
show                `bool`. Show the plot or not
filename            `str` specific filename for plot
                    when savefig=True. Include extention
dpi                 `int`. dots per inch when saving to file
==================  ========================================

.. _truncate-kwargs:

=========== =============================
Mode        Description
=========== =============================
percentage  Keep top `percentage` percent.
below_theta Keep parameter sets with a
            RSS value below theta.
ranks       Keep the top `ranks` ranks.
=========== =============================


======================= =============================
theta arg when`mode` is Description
======================= =============================
percentage              Range between 0 and 100.
below_theta             `float` or `int`. Denotes RSS
                        cut off
ranks                   `list` of integers
======================= =============================


##TODO Fix plot_kwargs
##TODO fix parameter estimation ensembles
import contextlib
import string
import pandas
# from pandas.parser import CParserError
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import scipy
import os
import matplotlib
import itertools
from . import tasks, errors, misc, model
import seaborn
import logging
from subprocess import check_call, Popen
import glob
import re
import numpy
from .mixin import Mixin, mixin
from textwrap import wrap
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn import model_selection
from . import _base
from .cached_property import cached_property
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from math import exp as exponential_function
import math
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.stats.mstats import pearsonr
from cycler import cycler
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import combinations, combinations_with_replacement, permutations

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PlotKwargs(object):
    """ """

    def plot_kwargs(self):
        """ """
        plot_kwargs = {
            'linestyle': '-',
            'marker': 'o',
            'linewidth': 3,
            'markersize': 8,
            'alpha': 0.5
        return plot_kwargs

class _Viz(PlotKwargs):
    """base class for viz"""

    def context(context='poster', font_scale=3, rc=None):

          context:  (Default value = 'poster')
          font_scale:  (Default value = 3)
          rc:  (Default value = None)


            context=context, font_scale=font_scale, rc=rc

    def save_figure(directory, filename, dpi=300):

          dpi:  (Default value = 300)


        if not os.path.isdir(directory):
        plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')

    def update_properties(self, kwargs):
        """method for updating properties from kwargs

          kwargs: dict of options for subclass


        for k in kwargs:
                getattr(self, k)
                setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])
            except AttributeError:
                setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])

    def parse(cls, log10, copasi_file=None):
        """Mixin method interface to parse class

          copasi_file:  (Default value = None)


        if type(cls) == Parse:

            if log10:
                return numpy.log10(
            return Parse(cls, log10=log10, copasi_file=copasi_file).data

    def truncate(data, mode, theta):
        """mixin method interface to truncate data



        df = TruncateData(data,
        return df

    def create_directory(results_directory):
        """create directory for results and switch to it

          results_directory: return:


        if not os.path.isdir(results_directory):
        return results_directory

class TruncateData(_Viz):
    Truncates a parameter estimation dataset for a model

    A dict like object containing model names as keys and
    dataframes of truncated parameter estimation data as values.

        Truncate the data to get the top 50% and do not convert to logspace
        >>> data = TruncateData(data, mode='percent', theta=50, log10=False)

        ## truncate using ranks of best fit. Get top 10 and convert to log space
        >>> data = TruncateData(data, mode='ranks', theta=range(10), log10=True)

        ## Choose a number, in log10 space and return all data below thie value
        >>> data = TruncateData(data, mode='below_theta', theta=3.5, log10=True)

    def __init__(self, data, mode='percent', theta=100, log10=False):

                A dataframe to truncate
            mode (str):
                Either 'percent', 'ranks' or 'below_theta'
            theta (numeric):
                Numeric. A percentage (i.e. 50), the number of ranks or a number
            log10 (bool):
                Whether to return data in log10 space
        """ = data
        self.mode = mode
        self.theta = theta
        self.log10 = log10
        assert self.mode in ['below_theta', 'percent', 'ranks'] = self.truncate()

    def __str__(self):

    def __repr__(self):

    def __getitem__(self, item):

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):

    def below_theta(self):
        """remove data which is not below theta



        for model_name in
            data =[model_name]
            assert data.shape[0] != 0, 'There are no data with RSS below {}. Choose a higher number'.format(self.theta)
  [model_name] =[model_name][[model_name]['RSS'] < self.theta]

    def top_theta_percent(self):
        """Remove data not in top theta percent



        if self.theta > 100 or self.theta < 1:
            raise errors.InputError('{} should be between 0 and 100')
        for model_name in
            theta_quantile = int(numpy.round([model_name].shape[0] * \
                                             (float(self.theta) / 100.0)))
            if theta_quantile == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Cannot get the {self.theta} quantile of this dataset as it is 0. Choose another quantile'
  [model_name] =[model_name].iloc[:theta_quantile]

    def ranks(self):
        """Remove data which is not in the top ranks
        parameter estimation data



        ## need to reset the index after sorting just in case some of the RSS
        ## values are identical. In this case there is no guarentee that
        ## is in ascending order and breaks with .iloc[0].
        for model_name in
  [model_name] =[model_name].sort_values(by='RSS').reset_index(drop=True)
  [model_name] =[model_name].iloc[self.theta]

    def truncate(self):
        if self.mode == 'below_theta':
            return self.below_theta()  #
        elif self.mode == 'percent':
            return self.top_theta_percent()
        elif self.mode == 'ranks':
            return self.ranks()

class ChiSquaredStatistics(object):
    """ """

    def __init__(self, rss, dof, num_data_points, alpha,
                 plot_chi2=False, show=False):
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.dof = dof
        self.rss = rss
        self.num_data_points = num_data_points
        self.CL = self.calc_chi2_CL() = show

        if self.alpha > 1 or self.alpha < 0 or len(str(self.alpha)) > 4:
            raise errors.InputError('alpha parameter should be between 0 and 1 and be '
                                    'to 2 decimal places. I.e. 0.95')

        if plot_chi2:

    def chi2_lookup_table(self, alpha):
        """Looks at the cdf of a chi2 distribution at incriments of
        0.1 between 0 and 100.
        Returns the x axis value at which the alpha interval has been crossed,
        i.e. gets the cut off point for chi2 dist with dof and alpha .



        nums = numpy.arange(0, 100, 0.1)
        table = list(zip(nums, scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(nums, self.dof)))
        for i in table:
            if i[1] <= alpha:
                chi2_df_alpha = i[0]
        return chi2_df_alpha

    def get_chi2_alpha(self):
        """ """
        dct = {}
        alphas = numpy.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
        for i in alphas:
            dct[round(i, 3)] = self.chi2_lookup_table(i)
        return dct[self.alpha]

    def plot_chi2_CL(self):
        """Visualize where the alpha cut off is on the chi2 distribution"""
        x = numpy.linspace(scipy.stats.chi2.ppf(0.01, self.dof), scipy.stats.chi2.ppf(0.99, self.dof), 100)

        plt.plot(x, scipy.stats.chi2.pdf(x, self.dof), 'k-', lw=4, label='chi2 pdf')

        y_alpha = numpy.linspace(plt.ylim()[0], plt.ylim()[1])
        x_alpha = [self.get_chi2_alpha()] * len(y_alpha)

        plt.plot(x_alpha, y_alpha, '--', linewidth=4)
        plt.xlabel('x', fontsize=22)
        plt.ylabel('Probability', fontsize=22)
        plt.title('Chi2 distribution with {} dof'.format(self.dof), fontsize=22)

    def calc_chi2_CL(self):
        return self.rss * exponential_function((self.get_chi2_alpha() / self.num_data_points))

[docs]class Parse(object): """General class for parsing copasi output into Python. First argument is an instance of a pycotools3 class. ================================== =========================== instance Description ================================== =========================== tasks.TimeCourse Parse time course data from TC.report_name into pandas.df tasks.ParameterEstimation Parse parameter estimation data from PE.report_name into pandas.df tasks.Scan Parse scan data from scan.report_name tasks.MultiParameterEstimation Parse folder of parameter estimation data from MPE.results_directory into pandas.df Parse enable parsing from a parse instance. Just returns itself str Parse data from folder of parameter estimation data into pandas.df. Requires the copasi file argument. ================================== =========================== Args: Returns: """
[docs] def __init__(self, cls_instance, log10=False, copasi_file=None, alpha=0.95, rss_value=None, num_data_points=None): """ :param cls_instance: A instance of pycotools3 class :param log10: `bool`. Whether to work on log10 scale :param copasi_file: `str`. Optional but necessary when cls_instance is string. Must be the copasi_file which produced the parameter estimation data as Parse extracts data headers from the copasi file :param rss_value: float When cls is a profile likelihood with the current_parameters setting, rss_value may not be empty. It is not automatically inferable from the COPASI model and must be specified separetly. :param num_data_points: int When cls is a profile likelihood with current paraemters setting, the number of data points cannot be automatically inferred for the calculation of likelihood ratio based confidence intervals. Therefore, this must be specified by the user. """ self.cls_instance = cls_instance self.log10 = log10 self.copasi_file = copasi_file self.model = None self.alpha = alpha self.rss_value = rss_value self.num_data_points = num_data_points if self.copasi_file is not None: self.model = model.Model(self.copasi_file) accepted_types = [tasks.TimeCourse, tasks.Scan, tasks.ParameterEstimation, str, Parse, tasks.ProfileLikelihood, pandas.DataFrame, tasks.ChaserParameterEstimations] if type(self.cls_instance) not in accepted_types: raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format( self.cls_instance, accepted_types) ) if isinstance(self.cls_instance, tasks.Scan): ## '1' is copasi code name for a scan if self.cls_instance.scan_type != '1': raise errors.InputError( 'plotting functions are only available for scans (not repeat or random distributions)' ) if isinstance(self.cls_instance, tasks.ProfileLikelihood): if self.cls_instance.index == 'current_parameters': if self.rss_value is None: raise errors.InputError('When parsing from the ProfileLikelihood class and the ' 'profile likelihood was set to "current parameters" ' 'you must manually specify an argument to the "rss_value" keyword ' 'argument. This is because it is not inferable from the model without' ' being first written to file.') # if self.num_data_points is None: # raise errors.InputError( # 'When parsing from the ProfileLikelihood class and you used the "currrent_parameter" ' # 'setting, it is necessary to specify the number of data points in the "num_data_points" ' # 'argument because it cannot be inferred automatically.' # ) = self.parse()
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return def __getitem__(self, item): return def __setitem__(self, key, value): return, value) def __delitem__(self, key): return
[docs] def parse(self): """determine class type of self.cls_instance and call the appropirate method for parsing the data type :return: Args: Returns: """ data = None if isinstance(self.cls_instance, tasks.TimeCourse): data = self.from_timecourse() # elif type(self.cls_instance) == tasks.ParameterEstimation: # data = self.from_parameter_estimation elif type(self.cls_instance) == tasks.ParameterEstimation: data = self.from_multi_parameter_estimation(self.cls_instance) elif type(self.cls_instance) == Parse: data = elif type(self.cls_instance) == tasks.ProfileLikelihood: data = self.from_profile_likelihood() elif type(self.cls_instance) == tasks.ChaserParameterEstimations: data = self.from_chaser_estimations(self.cls_instance) elif type(self.cls_instance) == pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: data = self.cls_instance if 'RSS' not in list(data.keys()): raise errors.InputError('DataFrame should have an RSS column. Your ' 'df only has these: "{}"'.format(data.columns)) data = data.sort_values(by='RSS') ##They are all strings. So only do this last elif type(self.cls_instance == str): data = self.from_folder() if self.log10: if not type(self.cls_instance) == tasks.ProfileLikelihood: data = numpy.log10(data) return data else: return data else: return data
[docs] def from_timecourse(self): """read time course data into pandas dataframe. Remove copasi generated square brackets around the variables :return: pandas.DataFrame Args: Returns: """ df = pandas.read_csv(self.cls_instance.report_name, sep='\t') try: headers = [re.findall('(Time)|\[(.*)\]', i)[0] for i in list(df.columns)] time = headers[0][0] headers = [i[1] for i in headers] headers[0] = time df.columns = headers except IndexError as e: if e.message == 'list index out of range': pass return df
[docs] def parse_scan(self): """read scan data into pandas Dataframe. :return: pandas.DataFrame Args: Returns: """ df = pandas.read_csv( self.cls_instance.report_name, sep='\t', skip_blank_lines=False, ) return NotImplementedError('scan plotting features are not yet implemented')
@cached_property def from_parameter_estimation(self): """Parse parameter estimation data. Store the data in a cache. :return: Args: Returns: """ try: df = pandas.read_csv(self.cls_instance.report_name, sep='\t', header=None) if '(' in list(df.iloc[0]): raise errors.NonFormattedPEFileError return df except errors.NonFormattedPEFileError: df = pandas.read_csv( self.cls_instance.report_name, sep='\t', header=None, ) data = df.drop(df.columns[0], axis=1) width = data.shape[1] # remove the extra bracket data[width] = data[width].str[1:] names = self.cls_instance.model.fit_item_order + ['RSS'] data.columns = names os.remove(self.cls_instance.report_name) data.to_csv(self.cls_instance.report_name, sep='\t', index=False) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def from_multi_parameter_estimation(cls_instance, folder=None): """Results come without headers - parse the results give them the proper headers then overwrite the file again Args: cls_instance: instance of MultiParameterEstiamtion folder: afternative folder to parse from. Useful for tests (Default value = None) Returns: """ dct = {} for model_name in cls_instance.models: mod = cls_instance.models[model_name].model ##set default if folder == None: folder = cls_instance.results_directory[model_name] tmp_dct = {} for report_name in glob.glob(folder + r'/*.txt'): report_name = os.path.abspath(report_name) if os.path.isfile(report_name) != True: raise errors.FileDoesNotExistError('"{}" does not exist'.format(report_name)) try: data = pandas.read_csv(report_name, sep='\t', header=None, skiprows=[0]) except: LOG.warning('No Columns to parse from file. {} is empty. Skipping this file'.format( report_name)) continue try: bracket_columns = data[data.columns[[0, -2]]] except IndexError: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( 'Rare problem with data file : "{}". Check it manually' ' and remove if it is corrupt'.format(report_name) ) if bracket_columns.iloc[0].iloc[0] != '(': data = pandas.read_csv(report_name, sep='\t') tmp_dct[report_name] = data else: data = data.drop(data.columns[[0, -2]], axis=1) data.columns = list(range(data.shape[1])) ### parameter of interest has been removed. names = mod.fit_item_order + ['RSS'] if mod.fit_item_order == []: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError('Parameter Estimation task is empty') if len(names) != data.shape[1]: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( 'length of parameter estimation data does not equal number of parameters estimated') if os.path.isfile(report_name): os.remove(report_name) data.columns = names data.to_csv(report_name, sep='\t', index=False) tmp_dct[report_name] = data df = pandas.concat(tmp_dct, sort=True) columns = df.columns ## reindex, drop and sort by RSS df = df.reset_index().drop(['level_0', 'level_1'], axis=1).sort_values(by='RSS') dct[model_name] = df.reset_index(drop=True) return dct
# @cached_property
[docs] def from_chaser_estimations(self, cls_instance, folder=None): """:return: Args: cls_instance: folder: (Default value = None) Returns: """ if folder == None: folder = cls_instance.results_directory d = [] report_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '*.txt')) for report_name in report_names: # report_name = os.path.abspath(report_name) if os.path.isfile(report_name) is not True: raise errors.FileDoesNotExistError('"{}" does not exist'.format(report_name)) try: ## read df without header df = pandas.read_csv(report_name, sep='\t', header=None) ## if first column is brckets we have raw copasi output which needs ## formatting. Raise the error and then pick up from below if '(' in list(df.iloc[0]): raise errors.NonFormattedPEFileError ## if data already formatted, set the index to top column ## before adding to list to concat below df = df.transpose().set_index(0).transpose() d.append(df) # # # raise NotImplementedError('Still developing this function to read data from CPE') # except errors.NonFormattedPEFileError: df = pandas.read_csv( report_name, sep='\t', header=None, ) data = df.drop(df.columns[0], axis=1) width = data.shape[1] # # remove the extra bracket data[width] = data[width].str[1:] names = self.cls_instance.model.fit_item_order + ['RSS'] data.columns = names # os.remove(report_name) # data.to_csv(report_name, # sep='\t', # index=False) # # d[report_name] = data d.append(data) except ValueError as e: if str(e) == 'No columns to parse from file':'Empty file "{}". Skipping'.format(report_name)) df = pandas.concat(d) df = df.sort_values(by='RSS').reset_index(drop=True) return df.apply(pandas.to_numeric) # astype('float')
[docs] def from_folder(self): """ Args: folder: return: Returns: """ if self.copasi_file is None: raise errors.InputError('To read data from a folder of' 'parameter estimation data files ' 'specify argument to copasi_file. This ' 'should be the configured model ' 'that was used to generate the parameter ' ' estimation data. This is necessary to annotate ' ' data with model component names') m = model.Model(self.copasi_file) ## check that cps has a parameter estimation configured if m.fit_item_order == []: raise errors.InputError('No fit items exist. Its possible that you have' ' not given the copasi file that was used to generate this' ' parameter estimation data. This is a common error when ' 'shifting data to and from a cluster. In this case, set ' '"run_mode" to False and use the _setup method of ' 'ParameterEstimation, MultiParameterEstimation or ' 'MultiModelFit classes. ') d = {} for report_name in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.cls_instance, '*.txt')): report_name = os.path.abspath(report_name) if os.path.isfile(report_name) != True: raise errors.FileDoesNotExistError('"{}" does not exist'.format(report_name)) try: data = pandas.read_csv(report_name, sep='\t', header=None, skiprows=[0]) read_type = 'multi_parameter_estimation' except ValueError as e: if e == 'No columns to parse from file': LOG.warning( 'No Columns to parse from file. {} is empty. ' 'Continuing without parsing from this file'.format( report_name ) ) continue try: data = pandas.read_csv(report_name, sep='\t', header=None) read_type = 'parameter_estimation' except ValueError as e: if str(e) == 'No columns to parse from file': LOG.warning( 'No Columns to parse from file. {} is empty. ' 'Continuing without parsing from this file'.format( report_name ) ) continue else: raise ValueError( """ pandas raised the following error \n {} \n while trying to read from "{}". It is likely that for some reason not all your data files are uniform in shape. Perhaps this has occured because more than one parameter estimation iterations have tried to write to the same file? """.format(e, report_name) ) # except CParserError: # raise CParserError('Parameter estimation data file is empty') if read_type == 'multi_parameter_estimation': bracket_columns = data[data.columns[[0, -2]]] if bracket_columns.iloc[0].iloc[0] != '(': data = pandas.read_csv(report_name, sep='\t') d[report_name] = data else: data = data.drop(data.columns[[0, -2]], axis=1) data.columns = list(range(data.shape[1])) ### parameter of interest has been removed. names = m.fit_item_order + ['RSS'] if len(names) != data.shape[1]: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( 'length of parameter estimation data does not equal number of parameters estimated') if os.path.isfile(report_name): os.remove(report_name) data.columns = names data.to_csv(report_name, sep='\t', index=False) d[report_name] = data elif read_type == 'parameter_estimation': left_bracket_columns = data[data.columns[0]] data = data.drop(data.columns[0], axis=1) data[data.columns[-1]] = float(data[data.columns[-1]].str[1:][0]) names = m.fit_item_order + ['RSS'] if len(names) != data.shape[1]: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( 'length of parameter estimation data does not equal number of parameters estimated') if os.path.isfile(report_name): os.remove(report_name) data.columns = names data.to_csv(report_name, sep='\t', index=False) d[report_name] = data df = pandas.concat(d) columns = df.columns ## reindex, drop and sort by RSS df = df.reset_index().drop(['level_0', 'level_1'], axis=1).sort_values(by='RSS') return df.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def from_profile_likelihood(self): """Parse data from :py:class:`tasks.ProfileLikelihood` :return: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` Args: Returns: """ def get_results(): """Get results files as dict :return: 2 element `tuple`. First element: dict[model_number][parameter] = path/to/results.csv Second element: dict[model_number][parameter] = fit item order for that model Args: Returns: """ results_dirs = {} fit_item_order_dirs = {} param_of_interest_dict = {} ## iterate over models in ProfileLikelihood task for model in self.cls_instance.model_dct: ## create dict's for collection of results results_dirs[model] = {} fit_item_order_dirs[model] = {} param_of_interest_dict[model] = {} ## iterate over parameters in models for param in self.cls_instance.model_dct[model]: ## get the copasi file from that model copasi_file = self.cls_instance.model_dct[model][param].copasi_file ## infer the results file from copasi file results_file = os.path.splitext(copasi_file)[0] + '.csv' ## ensure it exists if not os.path.isfile(results_file): raise errors.InputError('file does not exist: "{}"'.format(results_file)) ## assign to dict results_dirs[model][param] = results_file ## collect fit items fit_item_order_dirs[model][param] = self.cls_instance.model_dct[model][param].fit_item_order return results_dirs, fit_item_order_dirs def experiment_files_in_use(mod): """Search the model specified by mod for experiment files defined in the parameter estimation task Args: mod: py:class:`model.Model`. The still configured model that was used to generate parameter estimation data Returns: list` of experiment files """ query = '//*[@name="File Name"]' l = [] for i in mod.xml.xpath(query): f = os.path.abspath(i.attrib['value']) if os.path.isfile(f) != True: raise errors.InputError( 'Experimental files in use cannot be automatically ' ' determined. Please give a list of experiment file ' 'paths to the experiment_files keyword'.format()) l.append(os.path.abspath(i.attrib['value'])) return l def dof(mod): """Return degrees of freedom. This is the number of estimated parameters minus 1 Args: mod: py:class:`model.Model`. The still configured model that was used to generate parameter estimation data Returns: """ return len(mod.fit_item_order) - 1 def num_data_points(experiment_files): """number of data points in your data files. Relies on being able to locate the experiment files from the copasi file :return: `int`. Args: experiment_files: Returns: """ experimental_data = [pandas.read_csv(i, sep='\t') for i in experiment_files] l = [] for i in experimental_data: l.append(i.shape[0] * (i.shape[1] - 1)) s = sum(l) if s == 0: raise errors.InputError('Number of data points cannot be 0. ' 'Experimental data is inferred from the ' 'parameter estimation task definition. ' 'It might be that copasi_file refers to a ' 'fresh copy of the model. Try redefining the ' 'same parameter estimation problem that you ' 'used in the profile likelihood, using the ' '_setup method but not running the ' 'parameter estimation before trying again.') return s def confidence_level(cls): """Get confidence level using ChiSquaredStatistics :return: dict[index][confidence_level] Args: Returns: """ CL_dct = {} if cls.index == 'current_parameters': rss_value = self.rss_value experiment_files = experiment_files_in_use(cls.model) CL_dct[0] = float(ChiSquaredStatistics(rss_value, dof(cls.model), num_data_points(experiment_files), self.alpha).CL) else: for index in cls.parameters: rss_value = cls.parameters[index]['RSS'] experiment_files = experiment_files_in_use(cls.model) CL_dct[index] = float(ChiSquaredStatistics(rss_value, dof(cls.model), num_data_points(experiment_files), self.alpha).CL) return CL_dct def parse_data(results_dict, fit_item_order_dict): """Parse data from profile likelihood analysis into :py:class`pandas.DataFrame` Args: results_dict: dict[model][param] = path/to/csv. First element of output from get_results fit_item_order_dict: dict[model][param] = model.fit_item_order. second element from output of get_results Returns: py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Results in formatted pandas Dataframe """ res = {} df_list = [] for index in results_dict: res[index] = {} for param in results_dict[index]: df = pandas.read_csv(results_dict[index][param], sep='\t', skiprows=1, header=None) bracket_indices = [1, -2] df = df.drop(df.columns[bracket_indices], axis=1) df.columns = list(range(len(df.columns))) items = ['Parameter Of Interest Value'] + fit_item_order_dict[index][param] + ['RSS'] df.columns = items if self.log10: df_list2 = [] for key in list(df.keys()): l = [] for i in range(df[key].shape[0]): l.append(numpy.log10(df[key].iloc[i])) df_list2.append(pandas.DataFrame(l, columns=[key])) df = pandas.concat(df_list2, axis=1) CL = confidence_level(self.cls_instance) if self.cls_instance.index == 'current_parameters': """ This is a patch over what was here originally to get the current parameters index working. """ ## set index name to current parameters # self.cls_instance.parameters['best_parameter_set'] = 0#'current_parameters' # self.cls_instance.parameters.set_index('best_parameter_set', drop=True, inplace=True) if self.log10: ## get best parameters df['Best Parameter Value'] = math.log10( float(self.cls_instance.parameters.loc[index][param])) df['Best RSS Value'] = math.log10(float(self.rss_value)) ## This is the old version:: # CL[index] = math.log10(CL[index]) CL[index] = math.log10(CL[index]) else: df['Best Parameter Value'] = float(self.cls_instance.parameters.loc[index][param]) df['Best RSS Value'] = float(self.rss_value) else: if self.log10: df['Best Parameter Value'] = math.log10(float(self.cls_instance.parameters[index][param])) df['Best RSS Value'] = math.log10(float(self.cls_instance.parameters[index]['RSS'])) CL[index] = math.log10(CL[index]) else: df['Best Parameter Value'] = float(self.cls_instance.parameters[index][param]) df['Best RSS Value'] = float(self.cls_instance.parameters[index]['RSS']) ## end of patch ## with index works with from file but not from current_parameters df['Confidence Level'] = CL[index] # df['Confidence Level'] = CL[param] df['Best Fit Index'] = index df['Parameter Of Interest'] = param df = df.set_index(['Parameter Of Interest', 'Best Fit Index', 'Confidence Level', 'Best Parameter Value', 'Best RSS Value', 'Parameter Of Interest Value'], drop=True) df_list.append(df) df = pandas.concat(df_list) return df results, fit_item_order = get_results() return parse_data(results, fit_item_order)
[docs]class PlotTimeCourse(_Viz): """Plot time course data Time course kwargs: ================ ====================================== kwarg Description ================ ====================================== x `str`. Parameter to go on x axis. defaults to 'Time'. If not 'Time' then plot is a phase space plot y `str` or `list` of `str`. Parameters for the y axis. log10 `bool` plot on log10 scale separate bool` separate time courses onto different axes. Default: True **kwargs See :ref:`kwargs` for more options ================ ====================================== Args: Returns: """
[docs] def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): """ :param cls: Instance of tasks.TimeCourse class :param kwargs: """ super(PlotTimeCourse, self).__init__() self.cls = cls self.kwargs = kwargs # TODO implement `separate` keyword as `share` insteady self.default_properties = { 'x': 'time', 'y': None, 'log10': False, 'separate': True, 'savefig': False, 'results_directory': None, 'title': None, 'xlabel': None, 'ylabel': None, 'show': False, 'filename': None, 'dpi': 300, 'context': 'talk', 'font_scale': 1.5, 'rc': None, 'copasi_file': None, 'despine': True, 'linewidth': 3, 'color': 'red', 'linestyle': '-', 'ext': 'png', 'legend_loc': 'best', } self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs()) for i in list(kwargs.keys()): assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword ' \ 'argument for PlotTimeCourse'.format(i) self.kwargs = self.default_properties self.default_properties.update(kwargs) self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs()) self.update_properties(self.default_properties) self._do_checks() = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) self.fig = self.plot()
def __str__(self): """ :return: """ return "PlotTimeCourse(x='{}', y={}, log10={}, separate={}, savefig={}, results_directory='{}'".format( self.x, self.y, self.log10, self.separate, self.savefig, self.results_directory ) def _do_checks(self): """:return:""" if not isinstance(self.cls, tasks.TimeCourse): raise errors.InputError( 'PlotTimeCourse class expects an instance of' ' tasks.TimeCourse as first argument. ' 'Got {} instead'.format(type(self.cls))) if not isinstance(self.x, str): raise errors.InputError('x should be a string. Got {}'.format(type(self.x))) if self.y is not None: if not isinstance(self.y, (str, list)): raise errors.InputError('y should be a string or list of strings. Got {}'.format(type(self.y))) bool_list = [self.separate, self.savefig] for i in bool_list: if not isinstance(i, bool): raise errors.InputError('{} argument should be boolean. Got {}'.format(i, type(i))) if self.results_directory is None: self.results_directory = os.path.join( self.cls.model.root, 'TimeCourseGraphs' ) else: if not os.path.isabs(self.results_directory): self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.cls.model.root, self.results_directory) if self.x.lower() == 'time': self.xlabel = "Time ({})".format(self.cls.model.time_unit) if self.xlabel is None: self.xlabel = self.x if self.ylabel is None: self.ylabel = 'Concentration ({})'.format(self.cls.model.quantity_unit) if self.savefig and (self.separate is False) and (self.filename is None): self.filename = 'TimeCourse.{}'.format(self.ext) LOG.warning('filename is None. Setting default filename to {}'.format(self.filename))
[docs] def plot(self): """:return:""" if self.y == None: self.y = [ for i in self.cls.model.metabolites] self.y = [i for i in self.y if i.lower() != 'time'] if self.y == 'metabolites': self.y = [ for i in self.cls.model.metabolites] elif self.y == 'global_quantities': self.y = [ for i in self.cls.model.global_quantities] elif self.y == 'local_parameter': self.y = [i.global_name for i in self.cls.model.local_parameters] if isinstance(self.y, str): self.y = [self.y] for i in self.y: if i not in list( raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format(i, list( if self.x == 'time': self.x = 'Time' if self.x not in list( raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format(self.x, list( figures = [] if not self.separate: fig = plt.figure() figures.append(fig) # self.create_results_directory(self.results_directory) for y_var in self.y: if self.separate: fig = plt.figure() figures.append(fig) y =[y_var] x =[self.x] plt.plot(x, y, label=y_var, linewidth=self.linewidth, linestyle=self.linestyle) if self.legend_loc is 'best': plt.legend(loc='best') else: plt.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) plt.title(self.title) plt.xlabel(self.xlabel) plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) if self.despine: seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) if self.savefig: dirs = self.create_directory(self.results_directory) fle = os.path.join(dirs, '{}.{}'.format(y_var, self.ext)) if self.separate: fig.savefig(fle, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') else: fig.savefig(self.filename, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') if return figures
class PlotTimeCourseEnsemble(_Viz): """Plot a time course ensemble from a model and parameter ensemble. If `cls` argument is a MultiParameterEstimation instance then the results and copasi file are automatically extracted. If cls is a string, then it must point to a folder of parameter estimation data and a copasi file must be specified. One by one the parameter sets are inserted into the copasi model and a time course is simulated. The data is aggregated using a :py:class:`seaborn.tsplot` using a statistic of the users choice (default is :py:meth:`numpy.mean`). Confidence intervals are estimated using a bootstrapping method which is built-in to :py:class:`seaborn.tsplot` kwargs ================ ========================================================== kwarg Description ================ ========================================================== y `str` or list of `str`. Variable(s) to put on the y axis x `str`. Variable to put on x axis. truncate_mode `str`. see :py:class:`TruncateData` class theta `str`. see :py:class:`TruncateData` class xtick_rotation `int`. Rotate the x axis by `xtick_rotation` degrees step_size `int`. Step size for time course integration check_as_you_plot `bool` if ``True``, open each model in turn so that you can manually verify inserted parameter or play around with the model estimator `func` estimator to bootstrap. Passed to :py:class:`seaborn.tsplot` n_boot `int`. number of boot strap samples to perform ci `int` or `list` of `int`. confidence intervals between 0 and 100. If `list` multiple contours are plotted color `str` colour show `bool`. Show the figure. Default: False silent `bool`. default=True. Print parameters being inserted to screen data_filename `str` file name for writing ensemble time course data to file exp_color `str` colour of the experimental data experiment_files `str` or `list` of `str`. For use only when parsing from folder. Paths to experimental data that was used to generate the parameter estimation data run_mode `str` or `bool`. Passed to :py:class:`tasks.Run` Optionally perform time course simulations in parallel by giving ``run_mode=multiprocess`` copasi_file `str` path to copasi file that was used to generate parameter ensemble. Must be still configured for parameter estimation in order to extract parameter headers **kwargs see :ref:`kwargs` for savefig options ================ ========================================================== #todo ===== Currently initial values are used as starting conditions but in some situations like when independent variables are used to set starting parameters for an experiment this is not being captured in the ensemble time course. Therefore, modify to follow directions in data files from independent data. Also run multiple times if you have multiple _experiments measuring the same varibale. Args: Returns: """ def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): """ :param cls: Instance of MultiParameterEstimation or str containing path to parameter estimation data. If string the same condition as in :py:class:`Parse` applies with the `copasi_file` arg. :param kwargs: """ self.cls = cls options = {'y': None, 'x': 'time', 'truncate_mode': 'percent', 'theta': 100, 'xtick_rotation': 'horizontal', 'savefig': False, 'results_directory': None, 'dpi': 300, 'step_size': 1, 'check_as_you_plot': False, 'estimator': numpy.mean, 'n_boot': 5000, 'ci': 95, 'color': 'husl', 'err_style': 'ci_band', 'err_palette': None, 'err_kws': None, 'show': False, 'silent': True, 'data_filename': None, # For outputting ensemble data to file 'exp_color': 'red', 'experiment_files': None, # For use only when parsing from folder 'title': None, 'ylabel': None, 'xlabel': None, 'run_mode': True, 'despine': True, 'legend': True, 'legend_loc': (1, 0.1), 'legend_labels': None, 'ext': 'png', 'context': 'talk', 'font_scale': 1.5, 'rc': None, 'copasi_file': None, 'normalize_y_axis': False, 'ymin': None, 'ymax': None, } for i in list(kwargs.keys()): assert i in list(options.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for ParameterEnsemble'.format(i) options.update(kwargs) self.kwargs = options self.update_properties(self.kwargs) self._do_checks() seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) = self.parse(self.cls, log10=False, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) if self.copasi_file is not None: self.cls.model = model.Model(self.copasi_file) = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) if raise errors.InputError('No data. Check arguments to truncate_data and theta ' 'or your parameter estimation configuration ' 'and data files') self.experimental_data = self.parse_experimental_files ## set seaborn and matplotlib colours colours = sorted(seaborn.color_palette('husl', len(self.experimental_data))) plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=cycler('color', colours)) seaborn.set_palette(colours) self.exp_times = self.get_experiment_times self.independent_vars_dct = (self.collect_independent_vars()) self.ensemble_data = self.simulate_ensemble() self.ensemble_data.index = self.ensemble_data.index.rename(['Experiment', 'Index', 'Time']) if self.data_filename is not None: self.ensemble_data.to_csv(self.data_filename)'Data written to {}'.format(self.data_filename)) self.plot_per_observable() def create_directory(self): """create a directory for the results :return: Args: Returns: """ if self.results_directory is None: if type(self.cls) == Parse: self.results_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.cls.copasi_file), 'EnsembleTimeCourse') else: self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.cls.model.root, 'EnsembleTimeCourse') if not os.path.isdir(self.results_directory): os.makedirs(self.results_directory) return self.results_directory def _do_checks(self): """:return:""" if type(self.cls) == Parse: if self.experiment_files is None: raise errors.InputError('If parsing estimation data from ' 'folder, please specify argument' ' to experiment_files') elif type(self.cls) == tasks.MultiParameterEstimation: self.experiment_files = self.cls.experiment_files if self.experiment_files is not None: if isinstance(self.experiment_files, str): self.experiment_files = [self.experiment_files] self.experiment_files = sorted(self.experiment_files) @property def parse_experimental_files(self): """:return:""" df_dct = OrderedDict() if type(self.cls) == Parse: exp_files = self.experiment_files elif type(self.cls) is pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: exp_files = self.experiment_files else: exp_files = self.cls.experiment_files if exp_files is None: raise errors.InputError('if input class is Parse or pandas.DataFrame object ' 'experiment_files argument cannot be None') exp_files = sorted(exp_files) ## if exp_files is empty then read_csv would not be called for i in range(len(exp_files)): df = pandas.read_csv(exp_files[i], sep='\t', skip_blank_lines=False, header=None) ## mangle dupe cols df = df.rename(columns=df.iloc[0], copy=False).iloc[1:].reset_index(drop=True) df = df.astype(float) df = df.dropna(axis=0) is_null = df.isnull().all(1) from collections import Counter count = Counter(is_null) if count[True] > 0: df_list = numpy.split(df, df[df.isnull().all(1)].index) df_list = [j.dropna(how='all') for j in df_list] for j in range(len(df_list)): if df_list[j].empty: raise ValueError('Empty parameter set. ') else: df_dct[exp_files[i] + str(j)] = df_list[j] else: df_dct[exp_files[i]] = df return df_dct @property def get_experiment_times(self): """ """ d = OrderedDict() time_marker = False for i in sorted(self.experimental_data): d[i] = OrderedDict() for j in list(self.experimental_data[i].keys()): if j.lower() == 'time': time_marker = True d[i] = self.experimental_data[i][j] ## Protect against not having time column labelled correctly if not time_marker: raise errors.InputError('Column in data file called \'time\' or \'Time\' not ' ' detected. Please check your experiment file. The first ' 'column should be labelled Time for time course.') times = OrderedDict() for i in d: times[i] = {} times[i]['start'] = d[i].iloc[0] times[i]['end'] = d[i].iloc[-1] times[i]['step_size'] = d[i].iloc[1] - d[i].iloc[0] ''' subtract 1 from intervals to account for header ''' times[i]['intervals'] = int(d[i].shape[0]) - 1 return times def collect_independent_vars(self): """If experiment file has independant vars (_indep) defined, go and get them :return: Args: Returns: """ d = OrderedDict() for i in sorted(self.experimental_data): d[i] = OrderedDict() for j in sorted(list(self.experimental_data[i].keys())): if j[-6:] == '_indep': val = list(set(self.experimental_data[i][j])) if len(val) is not 1: raise ValueError('Independant values should be unique in a single data column, ' 'i.e. the column should be a single number. ' 'Found "{}" distinct numbers. Please amend input data file'.format(len(val))) d[i][j] = val return d def simulate_ensemble(self): """ """ ## collect end times for each experiment ##in order to find the biggest end_times = [] for i in self.exp_times: ## start creating a results dict while were at it end_times.append(self.exp_times[i]['end']) intervals = max(end_times) / self.step_size d = OrderedDict() df_dct = OrderedDict() for exp_file in sorted(self.independent_vars_dct): indep_vars = self.independent_vars_dct[exp_file] ## indep_vars now contains a list of indep vars in the file ## I need to change all of the independent values per file at once indep_vars = {i[:-6]: v for i, v in list(indep_vars.items())} I = model.InsertParameters(self.cls.model, parameter_dict=indep_vars, inplace=True) d[exp_file] = OrderedDict() for i in range([0]): I = model.InsertParameters(self.cls.model,, index=i, inplace=True) if not self.silent:'inserting parameter set {}'.format(i)) TC = tasks.TimeCourse(I.model, end=max(end_times), step_size=self.step_size, intervals=intervals, plot=False, run=self.run_mode) if self.check_as_you_plot: d[exp_file][i] = self.parse(TC, log10=False, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) df_dct[os.path.split(exp_file)[1][:-4]] = pandas.concat(d[exp_file]) return pandas.concat(df_dct) @property def observables(self): """ Args: Returns: :return: """ obs = [] for i in self.experimental_data: obs += list(self.experimental_data[i].keys()) return sorted(list(set([i for i in obs if str(i).lower() != 'time']))) def plot_per_observable(self): """Plot observables with _experiments on same graph. i.e. variable x in treated and control conditions will be plotted together. Args: Returns: """ if self.y == None: self.y = [i for i in list(self.observables) if i in list(self.ensemble_data.keys())] if isinstance(self.y, list) != True: self.y = [self.y] for param in self.y: if param not in list(self.ensemble_data.keys()): raise errors.InputError('{} not in your data set. {}'.format(param, sorted(self.ensemble_data.keys()))) # data = {i.reset_index(level=1, drop=True) for i in self.ensemble_data} data = self.ensemble_data[sorted(self.ensemble_data.keys())] # .reset_index() ## remove the existing time column so we can get it back again by resetting index data = data.drop('Time', axis=1) data = data.reset_index(level=[1, 2]) experiments = sorted(list(set(data.index))) for parameter in sorted(self.y): if parameter not in ['ParameterFitIndex', 'Time']:'Plotting "{}"'.format(parameter)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_data = data.reset_index() ax1 = seaborn.tsplot( data=plot_data, time='Time', value=parameter, condition='Experiment', unit='Index', err_style=self.err_style, err_palette=self.err_palette, err_kws=self.err_kws, estimator=self.estimator, n_boot=self.n_boot,, legend=self.legend, ) for exp in sorted(self.experimental_data): df = self.experimental_data[exp] exp = os.path.split(exp)[1][:-4] if parameter in list(df.keys()): if df.columns[0] == 'time': df = df.rename(columns={'time': 'Time'}) # plt.figure() df_keys = list(df[parameter].keys()) if len(df_keys) > 1: # for i in range(len(df_keys)): plt.plot(list(df['Time']), df[parameter], '--', label=exp, alpha=0.4, marker='o') else: plt.plot(list(df['Time']), sorted(list(df[parameter])), '--', label=exp, alpha=0.4, marker='o') if self.legend: # sim_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=self.color, label='Sim', alpha=0.4) # exp_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=self.exp_color, label='Exp', alpha=0.4) # plt.legend(handles=[sim_patch, exp_patch], loc=(1, 0.5)) plt.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) if self.legend_labels is not None: handle, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() new_labels = [] for lab in labels: if lab in self.legend_labels: new_labels.append(self.legend_labels[lab]) else: new_labels.append(lab) assert len(labels) == len(new_labels) plt.legend(handle, new_labels, loc=self.legend_loc) if self.despine: seaborn.despine(ax=ax1, top=True, right=True) if self.title is None: plt.title('{} (n={})'.format(parameter,[0])) else: plt.title(self.title) if self.ylabel is None: plt.ylabel('{}/{}'.format(self.cls.model.quantity_unit, self.cls.model.volume_unit) + '$^{-1}$') else: plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) if self.xlabel is None: plt.xlabel('Time ({})'.format(self.cls.model.time_unit)) else: plt.xlabel(self.xlabel) if self.ymin is not None: plt.ylim(ymin=self.ymin) if self.ymax is not None: plt.ylim(ymax=self.ymax) if self.savefig: self.results_directory = self.create_directory() fname = os.path.join(self.results_directory, '{}.{}'.format( misc.RemoveNonAscii(parameter).filter, self.ext)) plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') if class PlotScan(_Viz): """TODO: Create visualization facilities for parameter scans.""" def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): self.cls = cls self.kwargs = kwargs self.default_properties = { 'x': 'time', 'y': [ for i in self.cls.model.metabolites], 'log10': False, 'separate': False, 'savefig': False, 'results_directory': None, 'title': 'TimeCourse', 'xlabel': None, 'ylabel': None, 'show': False, 'filename': None, 'dpi': 400, 'context': 'talk', 'font_scale': 1.5, 'rc': None, 'copasi_file': None, } for i in list(kwargs.keys()): assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for Boxplot'.format(i) self.kwargs = self.default_properties self.default_properties.update(kwargs) self.update_properties(self.default_properties) self._do_checks() seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) raise NotImplementedError = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) def __str__(self): """ :return: """ return "PlotScan(x='{}', y={}, log10={}, separate={}, savefig={}, results_directory='{}'".format( self.x, self.y, self.log10, self.separate, self.savefig, self.results_directory ) # class PlotParameterEstimation(_Viz, PlotKwargs): # """Visualize parameter estimation runs against a single # parameter estimation. Similar to PlotTimeCourseEnsemble # but for a single parameter estimation run. # # # # ========================================= ========================================= # kwarg Description # ========================================= ========================================= # y `str` or list of `str`. Parameter for plotting # on y axis. Defaults to all estimated parameters. # **savefig_kwargs see savefig_kwargs for savefig options # ========================================= ========================================= # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # """ # :param cls: # Instance of :py:class:`tasks.ParameterEstimation` # # :param kwargs: # # """ # self.cls = cls # self.kwargs = kwargs # self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() # # ## defaults to metabolites and global quantities with assignments # default_y_dct = {} # for model_name in self.cls.models: # default_y_dct[model_name] = [ for i in self.cls.models[model_name].model.metabolites] + [ for i in self.cls.models[model_name].model.global_quantities if # i.simulation_type == 'Assignment'] # self.default_properties = { # 'y': default_y_dct, # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'title': 'TimeCourse', # 'xlabel': None, # 'ylabel': None, # 'show': False, # 'filename': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'log10': False, # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1.5, # 'rc': None, # 'copasi_file': None, # } # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list( # self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for "PlotParameterEstimation"'.format(i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # self._do_checks() # # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # = self.parse(self.cls, self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # # self.exp_data = self.read_experimental_data() # self.sim_data = self.simulate_time_course() # # self.cls.model = self.update_parameters() # self.plot() # # def __str__(self): # """ # # :return: # """ # return "PlotParameterEstimation(x='{}', y={}, savefig={}, results_directory='{}'".format( # self.x, self.y, self.savefig, # self.results_directory # ) # # def _do_checks(self): # """ """ # # if not isinstance(self.cls, tasks.ParameterEstimation): # raise errors.InputError('first argument should be ParameterEstimation calss. Got {}'.format(type(self.cls))) # # if self.results_directory is None: # dct = {} # for model_name in self.cls.models: # dct[model_name] = os.path.join( # self.cls.models[model_name].model.root, # 'ParameterEstimationPlots') # self.results_directory = dct # if not isinstance(self.y, list): # self.y = [self.y] # # def update_parameters(self): # """Use the InsertParameters class to insert estimated # # Args: # return: Model # # Returns: # # """ # for model_name in self.cls.models: # self.cls.models[model_name].insert_parameters(, inplace=True) # return self.cls.models # # def create_directories(self): # """ # create a place for parameter estiamtion plots on disk # # """ # directories = {} # for model_name in self.cls.models: # directories[model_name] = {} # for fle in self.cls.experiment_files: # _, fle = os.path.split(fle) # directories[model_name][fle] = os.path.join(self.results_directory[model_name], fle[:-4]) # if not os.path.isdir(directories[model_name][fle]): # os.makedirs(directories[model_name][fle]) # return directories # # def read_experimental_data(self): # """read the experimental data in order to figure # out how long a time course we need to simulate # with the new parameters # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # dct = {} # for model_name in self.cls.models: # dct[model_name] = {} # experiment_files = [self.cls.config.experiments[i].filename for i in self.cls.config.experiments] # for i in experiment_files: # dct[model_name][i] = pandas.read_csv(i, sep='\t') # return dct # # def get_time(self): # """get dict of _experiments and max time # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # dct = {} # for model_name in self.cls.models: # dct[model_name] = {} # for i in self.exp_data: # print('i is', self.exp_data[i]) # for j in self.exp_data[i]: # # # print(i, self.exp_data[model_name]) # # print(self.exp_data[i]['Time']) # dct[model_name][i] = self.exp_data[i]['Time'].max() # return dct # # def simulate_time_course(self): # """simulate a timecourse for each experiment # which may have different simulation lengths # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # d = {} # for model_name in self.cls.models: # time_dct = self.get_time() # step_size = 1 # d[model_name] = {} # for exp in time_dct: # indep_dct = {} # for exp_key in list(self.exp_data[exp].keys()): # if exp_key[-6:] == '_indep': # indep_dct[exp_key[:-6]] = self.exp_data[exp][exp_key].iloc[0] # # ## Insert independent vars # model.InsertParameters(self.cls.model, parameter_dict=indep_dct, inplace=True) # # TC = tasks.TimeCourse( # self.cls.models[model_name], end=time_dct[exp], step_size=step_size, # intervals=time_dct[exp] / step_size, # ) # d[exp] = self.parse(TC, self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # # return d # # def plot(self): # """plot experimental data versus best parameter sets # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # ## filter out y values which are not in the data file # for model_name in self.cls.models: # newy = [] # for y in self.y: # if y in list(list(self.read_experimental_data().values())[0].keys()): # newy.append(y) # # self.y = newy # # for exp in self.exp_data: # for sim in self.sim_data[model_name]: # if exp == sim: # # for key in self.y: # # plt.figure() # plt.plot( # self.exp_data[exp]['Time'], self.exp_data[exp][key], # label='Exp', linestyle=self.linestyle, # marker=self.marker, linewidth=self.linewidth, # markersize=self.markersize, # alpha=0.5, # color='#0E00FA', # ) # plt.plot( # self.sim_data[model_name][sim]['Time'], self.sim_data[model_name][sim][key], # label='Sim', linestyle=self.linestyle, # marker=self.marker, linewidth=self.linewidth, # markersize=self.markersize, # alpha=0.5, # color='#FC0077' # ) # # plt.legend(loc=(1, 0.5)) # plt.title(key) # plt.xlabel('Time({})'.format(self.cls.model.time_unit)) # plt.ylabel('Abundance\n({})'.format(self.cls.model.quantity_unit)) # if self.savefig: # dirs = self.create_directories() # exp_key = os.path.split(exp)[1] # fle = os.path.join(dirs[exp_key], '{}.png'.format(key)) # plt.savefig(fle, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') #'figure saved to "{}"'.format(fle)) # if #
[docs]class Boxplots(_Viz, PlotKwargs): """Plot a boxplot for multi parameter estimation data. ============ ================================================= kwarg Description ============ ================================================= num_per_plot Number of parameter per plot. Remainder fills up another plot. **kwargs see :ref:`kwargs` options ============ ================================================= Args: Returns: """
[docs] def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): """ :param cls: instance of tasks.MultiParameterEstimation or string . Same as :py:class:`PlotTimeCourseEnsemble` :param kwargs: """ self.cls = cls self.kwargs = kwargs self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() self.default_properties = {'log10': False, 'truncate_mode': 'percent', 'theta': 100, 'num_per_plot': 6, 'xtick_rotation': 'vertical', 'ylabel': 'Estimated Parameter\n Value(Log10)', 'title': 'Parameter Distributions', 'savefig': False, 'results_directory': None, 'dpi': 400, 'show': False, 'despine': True, 'ext': 'png', 'context': 'talk', 'font_scale': 1.5, 'rc': None, 'copasi_file': None, 'filename': 'boxplot' } self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) for i in list(kwargs.keys()): assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for Boxplot'.format(i) self.kwargs = self.default_properties self.default_properties.update(kwargs) self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) self.update_properties(self.default_properties) self._do_checks() seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) self.divide_data() if self.savefig: self.results_directory = self.create_directory() self.plot()
def _do_checks(self): """ """ pass
[docs] def create_directory(self): """:return:""" dct = {} for model_name in if self.results_directory is None: if type(self.cls) == Parse: dct[model_name] = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( self.cls.config.models[model_name].model.copasi_file ), 'Boxplots') else: dct[model_name] = os.path.join( self.cls.models[model_name].model.root, 'Boxplots') if not os.path.isdir(dct[model_name]): os.makedirs(dct[model_name]) return dct
[docs] def plot(self): """Plot multiple parameter estimation data as boxplot :return: Args: Returns: """ for model_name in data =[model_name] labels = self.divide_data()[model_name] for label_set in range(len(labels)): fig = plt.figure() # plot_data = data[labels[label_set]] seaborn.boxplot(data=plot_data) plt.xticks(rotation=self.xtick_rotation) if self.despine: seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) if self.title is not None: plt.title(self.title + '(n={})'.format(data.shape[0])) plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) if self.savefig: fle = os.path.join(self.results_directory[model_name], '{}{}.{}'.format(self.filename, label_set, self.ext)) plt.savefig(fle, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') if
[docs] def divide_data(self): """split data into multi plot :return: Args: Returns: """ dct = {} for model_name in data =[model_name] n_vars = len(list(data.keys())) n_per_plot = self.num_per_plot # assert n_per_plot<n_vars,'number of variables per plot must be smaller than the number of variables' int_division = n_vars // n_per_plot remainder = n_vars - (n_per_plot * int_division) l = [] for i in range(int_division): l.append(list(list(data.keys())[i * n_per_plot:(i + 1) * n_per_plot])) if remainder is not 0: l.append(list(list(data.keys())[-remainder:])) dct[model_name] = l return dct
# class LikelihoodRanks(_Viz, PlotKwargs): # """Plot the ordered residual sum of squares (RSS) objective # function value against the RSS's rank of best fit. # See :ref:`kwargs` for list of keyword arguments. # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # """ # # :param cls: # Instance of :py:class:`tasks.MultiParameterEstimation` # Same as :py:class:`PlotTimeCourseEnsemble` # # :param kwargs: # see :ref:`kwargs` # """ # self.cls = cls # self.kwargs = kwargs # # self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() # # self.default_properties = {'log10': False, # 'truncate_mode': 'percent', # 'theta': 100, # 'xtick_rotation': 'horizontal', # 'ylabel': None, # 'title': 'Likelihood-Ranks Plot', # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'show': False, # 'filename': 'LikelihoodRanks', # 'despine': True, # 'ext': 'png', # 'line_transparency': 1, ##passed to matplotlib alpha parameter # 'marker_transparency': 0.7, # 'color': '#004ADF', # 'markercolor': '#FF9709', # 'linewidth': 3, # 'markersize': 10, # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1.5, # 'rc': None, # 'copasi_file': None, # } # # # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for RssVsIterations'.format( # i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # self._do_checks() # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) # # self.fig = self.plot() # # def _do_checks(self): # """:return:""" # if self.log10: # self.ylabel = 'log$_{10}$ RSS' # self.xlabel = 'log$_{10}$ Rank of Best Fit' # else: # self.ylabel = 'RSS' # self.xlabel = 'Rank of Best Fit' # # def create_directory(self): # """create a directory for the results # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # if self.results_directory is None: # if type(self.cls) == Parse: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.cls.copasi_file), 'RssVsIterations') # else: # self.results_directory = os.path.join( # self.cls.model.root, 'LikelihoodRank' # ) # # if not os.path.isdir(self.results_directory): # os.makedirs(self.results_directory) # return self.results_directory # # def plot(self): # """Plot Rss Vs rank of best fit # :return: # None # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # fig = plt.figure() # if self.log10: # x = numpy.log10(list(range(['RSS'].shape[0]))) # else: # x = list(range(['RSS'].shape[0])) # # plt.plot(x, #['RSS'].sort_values(ascending=True), # color=self.color, linewidth=self.linewidth, # alpha=self.line_transparency, # ) # # plt.plot(x, #['RSS'].sort_values(ascending=True), 'o', # color=self.markercolor, markersize=self.markersize, # alpha=self.marker_transparency # ) # # plt.xticks(rotation=self.xtick_rotation) # if self.title is not None: # plt.title(self.title + '(n={})'.format([0])) # plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) # plt.xlabel('Rank of Best Fit') # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # if self.savefig: # self.results_directory = self.create_directory() # fle = os.path.join(self.results_directory, '{}.{}'.format(self.filename, self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fle, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # # if # # # return fig # class Pca(_Viz, PlotKwargs): # """Use the :py:class:`PCA` function to conduct # a principle component analysis on the parameter # estimation data. # # =================== ==================== # kwargs Description # =================== ==================== # by `str` either Determine which axes of parameter estimation # data to undergoe data reduction. When ``by='iterations'`` # the data is reduced to one data point per parameter estimation # run. When ``by='parameters'``, data is reduced to one data point # per parameter. # legend_position `tuple`. When ``by='parameters`` specify the (horizontal, verticle, # line spacing) parameter for the legend location and formatting # cmap `str` a valid matplotlib colour map # annotate `bool` annotate. Automatically on when ``by='parameters'`` # annotation_fontsize `int` or `float`. fontsize for annotation # **kwargs See :ref:`kwargs for more options # =================== ==================== # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # self.cls = cls # self.kwargs = kwargs # self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() # # self.default_properties = {'sep': '\t', # 'truncate_mode': 'percent', # 'theta': 100, # 'log10': False, # 'ylabel': None, # 'xlabel': None, # 'title': None, # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'n_components': 2, # 'by': 'iterations', ##iterations or parameters # 'legend_position': None, ##Horizontal, verticle, line spacing # 'legend_fontsize': 25, # 'cmap': 'viridis', # 'annotate': False, # 'annotation_fontsize': 25, # 'show': False, # 'despine': True, # 'ext': 'png', # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1.5, # 'rc': None, # 'copasi_file': None, # } # # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for Pca'.format(i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # self._do_checks() # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) # self.pca() # # def create_directory(self): # """create a directory for the results # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # if self.results_directory is None: # if type(self.cls) == Parse: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.cls.copasi_file), # 'PCA') # else: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.cls.model.root, # 'PCA') # # if not os.path.isdir(self.results_directory): # os.makedirs(self.results_directory) # return self.results_directory # # def _do_checks(self): # """varify integrity of user input # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # if self.title is None: # # if is 'parameters': # # title = 'PCA by Parameters (n={})'.format(len(labels)) # # elif is 'iterations': # # title = 'PCA by Iterations (n={})'.format(len(labels)) # # if not in ['parameters', 'iterations']: # raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format( #, ['parameters', 'iterations'])) # # # if self.results_directory is None: # # self.results_directory = self.create_directory() # # if self.ylabel == None: # if self.log10 == False: # self.ylabel = 'PC2' # elif self.log10 == True: # self.ylabel = 'log10 PC2' # else: # raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError('{} not in {}'.format( # self.ylabel, [True, False])) # # if self.xlabel == None: # if self.log10 == False: # self.xlabel = 'PC1' # elif self.log10 == True: # self.xlabel = 'log10 PC1' # else: # raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( # '{} not in {}'.format(self.ylabel, [True, False])) # #'plotting PCA {}'.format( # # if == 'parameters': # self.annotate = True # if self.legend_position == None: # LOG.critical( # 'When data reduction is by \'parameters\' you should specify an argument to legend_position. i.e. legend_position=(10,10,1.5) for horizontal, vertical and linespacing') # # if self.legend_position is None: # self.legend_position = (1, 1, 0.5) ##horizontal, verticle, linespacing # # def pca(self): # """ """ # pca = PCA(n_components=self.n_components) # rss = # ='RSS', axis=1) # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # if == 'parameters': # projected = # projected = pandas.DataFrame(projected, # labels = # sc = ax.scatter(projected[0], projected[1]) # # # else: # projected = # projected = pandas.DataFrame(projected, # labels = list( # projected = pandas.concat([rss, projected], axis=1) # sc = ax.scatter(projected[0], projected[1], c=projected['RSS'], cmap=self.cmap) # cb = plt.colorbar(sc) #'RSS') # # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) # plt.xlabel(self.xlabel) # plt.title(self.title) # # TODO connect copasi with the python community # # TODO mjor selling point for pycoools. # # TODO interafce with pysces, pyDStools and sloppycell # for i, txt in enumerate(labels): # if self.annotate: # ax.annotate(str(i), (projected[0][i], projected[1][i]), # fontsize=self.annotation_fontsize) # if == 'parameters': # ax.text(self.legend_position[0], # self.legend_position[1] - i * self.legend_position[2], # '{}: {}'.format(i, txt), fontsize=self.legend_fontsize) # if self.savefig: # self.create_directory() # fle = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'Pca_by_{}.{}'.format(, self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fle, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # # if # # # # class Histograms(_Viz, PlotKwargs): # """Plot a Histograms for multi parameter estimation data. # # See :ref:`kwargs` for more options. # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # """ # # :param cls: # Instance of :py:class:`tasks.MultiParameterEstimation` # Same as :py:class:`PlotTimeCourseEnsemble` # # :param kwargs: # """ # self.cls = cls # self.kwargs = kwargs # self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() # # self.default_properties = {'sep': '\t', # 'log10': False, # 'truncate_mode': 'percent', # 'theta': 100, # 'xtick_rotation': 'horizontal', # 'ylabel': 'Frequency', # 'title': True, ##boolean here as title is inferred from parameter # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'title_fontsize': 35, # 'show': False, # 'despine': True, # 'ext': 'png', # 'color': 'green', # 'hist': True, # 'kde': False, # 'rug': False, # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1.5, # 'rc': None, # 'bins': None, # 'copasi_file': None, # } # # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for Histograms'.format(i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # self._do_checks() # # = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) #'plotting histograms') # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # self.plot() # # self.coloured_plot() # # def _do_checks(self): # """:return:""" # if self.results_directory is None: # if type(self.cls) == Parse: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.cls.copasi_file), 'Histograms') # else: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.cls.model.root, 'Histograms') # # def plot(self): # """ """ # for parameter in list( # fig = plt.figure() # seaborn.distplot( #[parameter], color=self.color, kde=self.kde, rug=self.rug, # hist=self.hist, # bins=self.bins # ) # if self.log10: # plt.ylabel("{}".format(self.ylabel)) # plt.xlabel("log$_{10}$" + "[{}]".format(parameter)) # else: # plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) # plt.xlabel(parameter) # if self.title is True: # plt.title('{},n={}'.format(parameter,[parameter].shape[0]), # fontsize=self.title_fontsize) # # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # if self.savefig: # self.create_directory(self.results_directory) # fname = os.path.join(self.results_directory, # misc.RemoveNonAscii(parameter).filter + '.{}'.format(self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') #'plot save to "{}"'.format(fname)) # # def coloured_plot(self): # """:return:""" # # for parameter in # raise NotImplementedError('this is an attempt to colour bars ' # 'of histogram by RSS but the code does not ' # 'work. ') # parameter = 'Ski' # num_bins = 10 # width =[parameter].max() -[parameter].min() # iqr = scipy.stats.iqr([parameter]) # bins_size = 2 * (iqr / ([parameter].shape[0] ** 1.0 / 3.0)) # # bins = numpy.arange([parameter].min(),[parameter].max(), # bins_size) # width/num_bins # ## calculate the density of RSS # # groups =[pandas.cut([parameter], bins), 'RSS']) # data = groups.size().reset_index([parameter, 'RSS']) # data2 = data.groupby(parameter)[0].sum() # data3 = data.groupby(parameter)['RSS'].mean() # data5 = pandas.concat([data2, data3], axis=1) # data5['Density'] = data5[0] / (numpy.sum(data5[0].fillna(0).values * numpy.diff(bins))) # # ## colours # norm = plt.Normalize(numpy.nanmin(data5['RSS'].values), # numpy.nanmax(data5['RSS'].values)) # colours =['RSS'].fillna(0).values)) # # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # #[:-1], data5.fillna(0)['Density'], width=width, color=colours, align='edge') # # # seaborn.kdeplot(data[parameter], ax=ax, color='k', lw=2) # # sm ='plasma', norm=norm) # sm.set_array([]) # fig.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, label='RSS') # ax.set_ylabel('Density') # ax.set_xlabel(parameter) # # # # class Scatters(_Viz, PlotKwargs): # """Plot scatter graphs. When 'x' and 'y' are lists, 2 way # combinations are automatically plotted and organized into # folders (when ``savefig=True``). Data is automatically # coloured by RSS. # # ======== ================================================= # kwarg Description # ======== ================================================= # x `str` or `list` of `str`. Variable(s) to plot on x # axis. Defaults to ``RSS`` # y `str` or `list` of `str`. Variable(s) to plot on # y axis. Defaults to all parameters in data set. # cmap `str` a valid matplotlib colour map # colorbar_pad Default=0.2. Distance of color bar from plot. # **kwargs see :ref:`kwargs` for more options # ======== ================================================= # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # """ # # :param cls: # Instance of :py:class:`tasks.MultiParameterEstimation` # Same as :py:class:`PlotTimeCourseEnsemble` # # :param kwargs: # """ # self.cls = cls # self.kwargs = kwargs # self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() # # self.default_properties = { # 'x': 'RSS', # 'y': None, # 'sep': '\t', # 'log10': False, # 'cmap': 'jet_r', # 'truncate_mode': 'percent', # 'theta': 100, # 'xtick_rotation': 'horizontal', # 'ylabel': 'Frequency', # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'title_fontsize': 35, # 'title': True, # Either True or None/False # 'show': False, # 'ext': 'png', # 'despine': True, # 'colorbar_pad': 0.2, # padding for color bar. Dist between bar and axes # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1.5, # 'rc': None, # 'copasi_file': None, # } # # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for Scatters'.format(i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # self._do_checks() # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) # self.plot() # # def _do_checks(self): # """:return:""" # if isinstance(self.x, str): # self.x = [self.x] # # if self.results_directory is None: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.cls.model.root, 'Scatters') # # def plot(self): # """:return:""" # if self.y is None: # self.y = list( # # if (self.y == 'all') or (self.y == ['all']): # self.y = list( # # if self.x == 'all' or self.x == ['all']: # self.x = list( # # for x_var in self.x: # if x_var not in sorted(list( # raise errors.InputError('"{}" invalid. These are valid: "{}"'.format( # x_var, list( # )) # for y_var in self.y: # if x_var not in sorted(list( # raise errors.InputError('"{}" invalid. These are valid: "{}"'.format( # y_var, list( # ) # ) #'Plotting "{}" Vs "{}"'.format(x_var, y_var)) # fig = plt.figure() # plt.scatter( #[x_var],[y_var], # cmap=self.cmap,['RSS'], # ) # # c_ax = plt.subplot(199) # # cb = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(c_ax, orientation='vertical') # # c_ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') # cb = plt.colorbar(pad=self.colorbar_pad) # # cb.set_ # # if self.title: # title = 'Scatter graph of\n {} Vs {}.(n={})'.format( # x_var, y_var,[0] # ) # # if self.log10: # cb.set_label('log10 RSS') # plt.xlabel('log$_{10}$' + '[{}]'.format(x_var)) # plt.ylabel('log$_{10}$' + '[{}]'.format(y_var)) # else: # cb.set_label('RSS') # plt.xlabel(x_var) # plt.ylabel(y_var) # # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # if self.savefig: # x_dir = os.path.join(self.results_directory, x_var) # self.create_directory(x_dir) # fle = os.path.join(x_dir, '{}.{}'.format(y_var, self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fle, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # # if # # # # class LinearRegression(_Viz, PlotKwargs): # """Perform multiple linear regression using # :py:module:`sklearn.linear_model`. # # ======== ================================================= # kwarg Description # ======== ================================================= # lin_model `func`. default=LassoCV. Any linear model supported # by :py:module:`sklearn.linear_model`. see `here` # # .. _here: # # n_alphas `int` number of alphas # max_iter `int`. Number of iterations. # **kwargs see :ref:`kwargs` for more options # ======== ================================================= # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # """ # # :param cls: # Instance of :py:class:`tasks.MultiParameterEstimation` # Same as :py:class:`PlotTimeCourseEnsemble` # # :param kwargs: # """ # self.cls = cls # self.kwargs = kwargs # self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() # # self.default_properties = { # 'lin_model': linear_model.LassoCV, # 'log10': False, # 'truncate_mode': 'percent', # 'theta': 100, # 'xtick_rotation': 'horizontal', # 'ylabel': 'Frequency', # 'scores_title': None, # 'coef_title': None, # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'title_fontsize': 35, # 'show': False, # 'n_alphas': 100, # 'max_iter': 20000, # 'ext': 'png', # 'despine': True, # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1.5, # 'rc': None, # 'copasi_file': None, # } # # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list( # self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for LinearRegression'.format(i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # self._do_checks() # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) # # self.scores, self.coef = self.compute_coefficients() # self.coef = self.coef.fillna(value=0) # # self.plot_rss() # self.plot_scores() # self.plot_coef() # # def _do_checks(self): # """:return:""" # if self.results_directory is None: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.cls.model.root, 'LinearRegression') # # if self.scores_title is None: # pass # if self.log10: # self.scores_title = 'Model Fitting Test and Train Scores (Log10)' # # else: # self.scores_title = 'Model Fitting Test and Train Scores' # # if self.coef_title is None: # if self.log10: # self.coef_title = 'Coefficients (Log10)' # else: # self.coef_title = 'Coefficients' # # def compute1coef(self, parameter): # """Compute coefficients for a single parameter # using self['lin_model'] from sklearn # # Args: # parameter: # # Returns: # # """ # y = numpy.array([parameter]) # X =, axis=1) # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(X, y) # # try: # lin_model = self.lin_model(fit_intercept=True, n_alphas=self.n_alphas, # max_iter=self.max_iter) # except TypeError: # lin_model = self.lin_model(fit_intercept=True) # #, y_train) # df = pandas.DataFrame(lin_model.coef_, index=X.columns, columns=[parameter]) # .sort_values(by='Coefficients') # df['abs_values'] = numpy.absolute(df[parameter]) # df = df.sort_values(by='abs_values', ascending=False) # df = df.drop('abs_values', axis=1) # scores = [lin_model.score(X_train, y_train), lin_model.score(X_test, y_test)] # scores = pandas.DataFrame(scores, index=['TrainScore', 'TestScore']) # return scores, df # # def compute_coefficients(self): # """ """ # parameters = list( # df_dct = {} # score_dct = {} # for y in parameters: # score_dct[y], df_dct[y] = self.compute1coef(y) # # df1 = pandas.concat(score_dct, axis=1).transpose().sort_values(by='TestScore', # ascending=False) # df2 = pandas.concat(df_dct, axis=1) # return df1, df2 # # def plot_scores(self): # """ """ # fig = plt.figure() # seaborn.heatmap(self.scores) # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # plt.title(self.scores_title, fontsize=self.title_fontsize) # if self.savefig: # self.create_directory(self.results_directory) # fname = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'linregress_scores.{}'.format(self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # # def plot_rss(self): # """ """ # fig = plt.figure() # seaborn.heatmap(self.coef.RSS.sort_values(by='RSS', ascending=False)) # plt.title('Lasso Regression \n(Y=RSS) (n={})'.format([0]), fontsize=self.title_fontsize) # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # if self.savefig: # self.create_directory(self.results_directory) # fname = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'linregress_RSS.{}'.format(self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # # def plot_coef(self): # """:return:""" # self.coef.columns = self.coef.columns.droplevel(0) # self.coef = self.coef.drop('RSS', axis=1) # self.coef = self.coef.drop('RSS', axis=0) # fig = plt.figure() # seaborn.heatmap(self.coef, cbar_kws={'pad': 0.2}) # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # plt.title(self.coef_title) # plt.xlabel('') # if self.savefig: # self.create_directory(self.results_directory) # fname = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'linregress_parameters.{}'.format(self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # # class ModelSelection(_Viz): # """Calculate model selection criteria AIC (corrected) and # BIC for a selection of models that have undergone fitting # using the :py:class:`tasks.MultiModelFit` class. Plot as # boxplots and histograms. # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, multi_model_fit, **kwargs): # """ # # :param multi_model_fit: # a :py:class:`tasks.MultiModelFit` object # # :param filename: # `str` file to save model selection data to # # :param pickle: # `str` pickle path to save data too # """ # self.multi_model_fit = multi_model_fit # self.number_models = self.get_num_models() # # self.default_properties = { # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'log10': False, # 'filename': None, # 'pickle': None, # 'despine': True, # 'ext': 'png', # 'title': True, # 'context': 'poster', # 'font_scale': 2, # 'rc': None, # 'color': None, # 'palette': None, # 'saturation': 0.75, # 'model_labels': None, # 'label': None, # 'ax': None, # 'show': False, # 'order': None, # 'figsize': (8, 6), # 'violin_kwargs': {}, # } # # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for ModelSelection'.format( # i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # # self._do_checks() # # ## do model selection stuff # self.results_folder_dct = self._get_results_directories() # self.model_dct = self._get_model_dct() # # ## code for having default legend labels # self.default_model_labels = { for i in list(self.model_dct.values())} # # if self.model_labels is not None: # if type(self.model_labels) is not dict: # raise errors.InputError('model labels should be a dict') # # for label in self.model_labels: # if label not in self.default_model_labels: # raise errors.InputError('keys of the model_labels dict should be one of ' # '"{}"'.format(list(self.default_model_labels.keys()))) # elif self.model_labels is None: # self.model_labels = self.default_model_labels # # self.data_dct = self._parse_data() # self.number_model_parameters = self._get_number_estimated_model_parameters() # self.number_observations = self._get_n() # self.model_selection_data = self.calculate_model_selection_criteria() # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # # self.boxplot() # # self.histogram() # self.fig = self.violin() # self.to_csv() # # def __iter__(self): # for MPE in self.multi_model_fit: # yield MPE # # def __getitem__(self, item): # return self.multi_model_fit[item] # # def __setitem__(self, key, value): # self.multi_model_fit[key] = value # # def __delitem__(self, key): # del self.multi_model_fit[key] # # def keys(self): # """ """ # return list(self.multi_model_fit.keys()) # # def values(self): # """ """ # return list(self.multi_model_fit.values()) # # def items(self): # """ """ # return list(self.multi_model_fit.items()) # # def _do_checks(self): # """:return:""" # if self.results_directory is None: # self.results_directory = self.multi_model_fit.project_dir # # if self.filename is None: # save_dir = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'ModelSelectionGraphs') # self.filename = os.path.join(save_dir, 'ModelSelectionCriteria.csv') # # def _get_results_directories(self): # """Find the results directories embedded within MultimodelFit # and RunMutliplePEs. # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # return self.multi_model_fit.results_folder_dct # # def get_num_models(self): # """ """ # return len(self.multi_model_fit.cps_files) # # def to_excel(self, filename=None): # """ # # Args: # filename: (Default value = None) # # Returns: # # """ # if filename is None: # filename = self.filename[:-4] + '.xlsx' # self.model_selection_data.to_excel(filename) # # def to_csv(self, filename=None): # """ # # Args: # filename: (Default value = None) # # Returns: # # """ # if filename is None: # filename = self.filename #'model selection data saved to {}'.format(filename)) # self.model_selection_data.to_csv(filename) # # def to_pickle(self, filename=None): # """ # # Args: # filename: (Default value = None) # # Returns: # # """ # if filename is None: # filename = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + '.pickle' # #'model selection pickle saved to {}'.format(filename)) # self.model_selection_data.to_pickle(filename) # # def _get_model_dct(self): # """Get a model dct. The model must be a configured model # (i.e. not the original and with a number after it) # :return: # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # dct = {} # for MPE in self.multi_model_fit: # ## get the first cps file configured for eastimation in each MMF obj # cps_1 = sorted(glob.glob( # os.path.join( # os.path.dirname(MPE.results_directory), # '*.cps') # ))[0] # dct[MPE.results_directory] = model.Model(cps_1) # return dct # # def _parse_data(self): # """ """ # if self.pickle is not None: # # self.pickle = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0]+'.pickle' # return pandas.read_pickle(self.pickle) # else: # dct = {} # for cps, MPE in list(self.multi_model_fit.items()): # cps_0 = cps[:-4] + '.cps' # dct[cps_0] = Parse(MPE.results_directory, copasi_file=cps_0, log10=self.log10) # return dct # # def _get_number_estimated_model_parameters(self): # """ """ # k_dct = {} # for mod in list(self.model_dct.values()): # k_dct[mod.copasi_file] = len(mod.fit_item_order) # return k_dct # # def _get_n(self): # """get number of observed data points for AIC calculation""" # n = {} # for exp in self.multi_model_fit.exp_files: # data = pandas.read_csv(exp, sep='\t') # l = [] # for key in list(data.keys()): # if key.lower() != 'time': # if key[-6:] != '_indep': # l.append(int(data[key].shape[0])) # n[exp] = sum(l) # n = sum(n.values()) # return n # # def calculate1AIC(self, RSS, K, n): # """Calculate the corrected AIC: # # AICc = -2*ln(RSS/n) + 2*K + (2*K*(K+1))/(n-K-1) # # or if likelihood function used instead of RSS # # AICc = -2*ln(likelihood) + 2*K + (2*K*(K+1))/(n-K-1) # # Where: # RSS: # Residual sum of squares for model fit # n: # Number of observations collectively in all data files # # K: # Number of model parameters # # Args: # RSS: # K: # n: # # Returns: # # """ # return n * numpy.log((RSS / n)) + 2 * K + (2 * K * (K + 1)) / (n - K - 1) # # def calculate1BIC(self, RSS, K, n): # """Calculate the bayesian information criteria # BIC = -2*ln(likelihood) + k*ln(n) # # Does this then go to: # # BIC = -2*ln(RSS/n) + k*ln(n) # # Args: # RSS: # K: # n: # # Returns: # # """ # return (n * numpy.log(RSS / n)) + K * numpy.log(n) # # def calculate_model_selection_criteria(self): # """Calculate AIC corrected and BIC # :return: # pandas.DataFrame # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # df_dct = {} # for model_num in range(len(self.model_dct)): # keys = list(self.model_dct.keys()) # cps_key = self.model_dct[keys[model_num]].copasi_file # # k = self.number_model_parameters[cps_key] # n = self.number_observations # constant throughout analysis # rss = self.data_dct[cps_key].data.RSS # aic_dct = {} # bic_dct = {} # for i in range(len(rss)): # aic = self.calculate1AIC(rss.iloc[i], k, n) # bic = self.calculate1BIC(rss.iloc[i], k, n) # aic_dct[i] = aic # bic_dct[i] = bic # aic = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(aic_dct, orient='index') # rss = pandas.DataFrame(rss) # bic = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(bic_dct, orient='index') # df = pandas.concat([rss, aic, bic], axis=1) # df.columns = ['RSS', 'AICc', 'BIC'] # = 'RSS Rank' # # df_dct[os.path.split(cps_key)[1][:-6]] = df # df_dct[self.model_dct[keys[model_num]].name] = df # df = pandas.concat(df_dct, axis=1) # return df # # def violin(self): # """ """ # # seaborn.set_context(context='poster') # data = self.model_selection_data # # data = data.unstack() # data = data.reset_index() # data = data.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Model', # 'level_1': 'Metric', # 0: 'Score'}) # # new_names = [] # for mod in data['Model']: # for j in self.model_labels: # if mod == j: # new_names.append(self.model_labels[j]) # # figs = [] # data['Model'] = new_names # for metric in data['Metric'].unique(): # fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize) # seaborn.violinplot(data=data[data['Metric'] == metric], # x='Model', # y='Score', # color=self.color, # palette=self.palette, # saturation=self.saturation, #, # order=self.order, # **self.violin_kwargs # ) # plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') # if self.title: # plt.title('{} Scores'.format(metric)) # plt.xlabel(' ') # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # if self.savefig: # save_dir = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'ModelSelectionGraphs') # if os.path.isdir(save_dir) is not True: # os.mkdir(save_dir) # os.chdir(save_dir) # fname = os.path.join(save_dir, 'ViolinPlot_{}.{}'.format(metric, self.ext)) # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') #'Violin plot saved to : "{}"'.format(fname)) # # figs.append(fig) # return figs # # def chi2_lookup_table(self, alpha): # """Looks at the cdf of a chi2 distribution at incriments of # 0.1 between 0 and 100. # # Returns the x axis value at which the alpha interval has been crossed, # i.e. gets the cut off point for chi2 dist with DOF and alpha . # # Args: # alpha: # # Returns: # # """ # nums = numpy.arange(0, 100, 0.1) # table = list(zip(nums, scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(nums, self.kwargs.get('DOF')))) # for i in table: # if i[1] <= alpha: # chi2_df_alpha = i[0] # return chi2_df_alpha # # def get_chi2_alpha(self): # """ """ # dct = {} # alphas = numpy.arange(0, 1, 0.01) # for i in alphas: # dct[round(i, 3)] = self.chi2_lookup_table(i) # return dct[0.05] # # def compare_sim_vs_exp(self): # """ """ #'Visually comparing simulated Versus Experiemntal data.') # # for cps, res in list(self.multi_model_fit.results_folder_dct.items()): # tasks.InsertParameters(cps, parameter_path=res, index=0) # PE = tasks.ParameterEstimation(cps, self.multi_model_fit.exp_files, # randomize_start_values=False, # method='CurrentSolutionStatistics', # plot=True, savefig=True, # ) # PE.set_up() # # PE.format_results() # # def get_best_parameters(self, filename=None): # """ # # Args: # filename: (Default value = None) # # Returns: # # """ # df = pandas.DataFrame() # for cps, res in list(self.multi_model_fit.results_folder_dct.items()): # df[os.path.split(cps)[1]] = ParsePEData(res).data.iloc[0] # # if filename == None: # return df # else: # df.to_excel(filename) # return df # # def compare_model_parameters(self, parameter_list, filename=None): # """Compare all the parameters accross multiple models # in a bar chart averaging and STD for a parameter accross # all models. # # May have a problem with different models have different # # Args: # parameter_list: # filename: (Default value = None) # # Returns: # # """ # best_parameters = self.get_best_parameters() # data = best_parameters.loc[parameter_list].transpose() # f = seaborn.barplot(data=numpy.log10(data)) # f.set_xticklabels(parameter_list, rotation=90) # plt.legend(loc=(1, 1)) # plt.title('Barplot Comparing Parameter Estimation Results for specific\nParameters accross all models') # plt.ylabel('log10 parameter_value,Err=SEM') # if filename != None: # plt.savefig(filename, dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight') # class PlotProfileLikelihood(_Viz): # """ """ # # def __init__(self, cls, data=None, **kwargs): # """ # Plot profile likelihoods # :param data: # :param kwargs: # """ # self.cls = cls # # self.default_properties = {'x': None, # 'y': None, # can equal all # 'index': None, # 'rss_value': None, # 'log10': True, # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'plot_cl': True, # 'alpha': 0.95, # 'title': None, # 'xlabel': None, # 'ylabel': None, # 'color': None, # if RSS, colour plots by RSS # 'cmap': 'jet_r', # 'legend': False, # 'legend_loc': None, # 'show': False, # 'separate': True, # 'filename': None, # 'despine': True, # 'ext': 'png', # 'show_best_rss': True, # 'best_rss_marker': 'k*', ##Any matplotlib marker # 'ylim': None, # 'xlim': None, # 'interpolation': None, # 'interpolation_resolution': 1000, # number of steps to interpolate # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1, # 'rc': None, # 'multiplot': False, # 'same_axis': False, # 'colorbar_pad': 0.2, # } # # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list( # self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for PlotProfileLikelihood'.format(i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # ## parse data # = Parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, # alpha=self.alpha, rss_value=self.rss_value).data # # ## do some checks # self._do_checks() # # ## do plotting # if self.same_axis: # self.plot_same_axis() # else: # self.plot() # ##todo implement ability to change confidence level from Plot. # ##at the moment the CL is conputer by Parse. This is not optimal # # def _do_checks(self): # """:return:""" # ## todo put original estimatd values on non rss graphs as well # if self.ylim is not None: # if not isinstance(self.ylim, tuple): # raise errors.InputError('ylim arg should be tuple. Got "{}"'.format(type(self.ylim))) # # if len(self.ylim) is not 2: # raise errors.InputError('ylim arg should be tuple of length 2. ' # 'See "" ' # 'for details') # # if self.xlim is not None: # if not isinstance(self.xlim, tuple): # raise errors.InputError('xlim arg should be tuple. Got "{}"'.format(type(self.xlim))) # # if len(self.xlim) is not 2: # raise errors.InputError('xlim arg should be tuple of length 2. ' # 'See "" ' # 'for details') # # interpolation_kinds = ['linear', 'nearest', 'zero', # 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'] # # if self.interpolation is not None: # if self.interpolation not in interpolation_kinds: # raise errors.InputError('"{}" is not in "{}"'.format( # self.interpolation, interpolation_kinds # )) # # if type(self.cls) == tasks.ProfileLikelihood: # self.results_directory = self.cls.results_directory # else: # LOG.warning('cls not of type tasks.ProfileLikelihood') # # if isinstance(, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) != True: # raise errors.InputError('"{}" should be a dataframe not "{}".'.format(, type(self(data)))) # # self.parameter_list = sorted(list( # # if self.separate == False: # self.legend = True # # if self.index is None: # self.index = 0 # # if not isinstance(self.index, list): # self.index = [self.index] # # if self.x == None: # self.x = [i for i in self.parameter_list if i is not 'RSS'] # # raise errors.InputError('x cannot be None') # # if self.y == None: # self.y = 'RSS' # # if self.y == 'all': # self.y = self.parameter_list # # if self.x == 'all': # self.x = [i for i in self.parameter_list if i != 'RSS'] # # if self.y == None: # raise errors.InputError('y cannot be None') # # if isinstance(self.y, str): # self.y = [self.y] # # if isinstance(self.y, list): # for y_param in self.y: # if y_param not in self.parameter_list: # raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format(y_param, self.parameter_list)) # # if isinstance(self.x, str): # self.x = [self.x] # # if isinstance(self.x, list): # for x_param in self.x: # if x_param not in self.parameter_list: # raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format(x_param, self.parameter_list)) # # if self.filename is not None: # if not os.path.isabs(self.filename): # self.filename = os.path.join(self.results_directory, self.filename) # # #'Profile likelihood data saved to "{}"'.format(self.filename)) # # def plot_same_axis(self): # """:return:""" # fig = plt.figure() # for x in self.x: # for y in self.y: # colorbar_present = False # for i in self.index: # if y == 'RSS': # plot_data =[x, i][y] # else: # plot_data =[x, i][[y, 'RSS']] # if type(plot_data) == pandas.Series: # plot_data = pandas.DataFrame(plot_data) # # plot_data = plot_data.reset_index() # # x_plot = plot_data['Parameter Of Interest Value'] # y_plot = plot_data[y] # # if self.color == 'RSS': # c = plot_data['RSS'] # elif self.color is None: # c = 'r' # # if self.interpolation is not None: # f = interp1d(x_plot, y_plot, kind=self.interpolation) # minimum = x_plot.min() # maximum = x_plot.max() # step = (maximum - minimum) / self.interpolation_resolution # xnew = numpy.arange(start=minimum, stop=maximum, step=step) # ynew = f(xnew) # plt.plot(xnew, ynew, 'k') # plt.scatter(x_plot, y_plot, c=c, cmap=self.cmap, # marker='o', label=y, linewidth=2) # linestyle='o', color='red') # else: # plt.scatter(x_plot, y_plot, c=c, cmap=self.cmap, # marker='o', label=y, linewidth=2) # # if self.color == 'RSS': # if not colorbar_present: # cb = plt.colorbar(pad=self.colorbar_pad) # colorbar_present = True # # if y is 'RSS': # plt.plot(plot_data['Parameter Of Interest Value'], # plot_data['Confidence Level'], linewidth=3, # linestyle='--', color='green', label='CL') # # if self.show_best_rss: # if y is 'RSS': # best_rss = list(set(plot_data['Best RSS Value'])) # best_param_val = list(set(plot_data['Best Parameter Value'])) # plt.plot(best_param_val, best_rss, self.best_rss_marker, linewidth=5, # markersize=12) # # if self.legend: # if self.legend_loc is not None: # plt.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) # else: # plt.legend(loc='best') # # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # if self.title is None: # self.title = 'Profile Likelihoods for\n{} ' \ # 'against {} (index={})'.format(x, y, i) # # elif self.title is 'profile': # self.title = x # # if self.title is not False: # plt.title(self.title) # # if self.log10: # plt.ylabel(r'$log_{10}$[{}]'.format(y)) # plt.xlabel(r'$log_{10}$[{}]'.format(x)) # if self.color == 'RSS': # cb.set_label('log_${10}$[RSS]') # else: # plt.ylabel(y) # plt.xlabel(x) # if self.color == 'RSS': # cb.set_label('RSS') # # if self.ylim is not None: # plt.ylim(self.ylim) # # if self.xlim is not None: # plt.xlim(self.xlim) # # if self.savefig: # d = os.path.join(self.results_directory, str(i)) # d = os.path.join(d, x) # self.create_directory(d) # fname = os.path.join(d, misc.RemoveNonAscii(y).filter + '.{}'.format(self.ext)) # # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') #'saved to --> {}'.format(fname)) # # if # # # def plot(self): # """:return:""" # for x in self.x: # for y in self.y: # ##indicator var for colorbar # colorbar_present = False # if self.multiplot: # fig = plt.figure() # for i in self.index: # if y == 'RSS': # plot_data =[x, i][y] # else: # plot_data =[x, i][[y, 'RSS']] # if type(plot_data) == pandas.Series: # plot_data = pandas.DataFrame(plot_data) # # if not self.multiplot: # fig = plt.figure() # # plot_data = plot_data.reset_index() # # x_plot = plot_data['Parameter Of Interest Value'] # y_plot = plot_data[y] # # if self.color == 'RSS': # c = plot_data['RSS'] # elif self.color is None: # c = 'r' # # if self.interpolation is not None: # f = interp1d(x_plot, y_plot, kind=self.interpolation) # minimum = x_plot.min() # maximum = x_plot.max() # step = (maximum - minimum) / self.interpolation_resolution # xnew = numpy.arange(start=minimum, stop=maximum, step=step) # ynew = f(xnew) # plt.plot(xnew, ynew, 'k') # plt.scatter(x_plot, y_plot, c=c, # marker='o', label=y, linewidth=2, # ) # else: # plt.scatter(x_plot, y_plot, c=c, cmap=self.cmap, # label=y, marker='o') # # if self.color == 'RSS': # if not colorbar_present: # cb = plt.colorbar(pad=self.colorbar_pad) # colorbar_present = True # # if y is 'RSS': # plt.plot(plot_data['Parameter Of Interest Value'], # plot_data['Confidence Level'], linewidth=3, # linestyle='--', color='green', label='CL') # # if self.show_best_rss: # if y == 'RSS': # best_rss = list(set(plot_data['Best RSS Value'])) # best_param_val = list(set(plot_data['Best Parameter Value'])) # plt.plot(best_param_val, best_rss, self.best_rss_marker, linewidth=5, # markersize=12) # # if self.legend: # if self.legend_loc is not None: # plt.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) # else: # plt.legend(loc='best') # # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # if self.title is None: # self.title = 'Profile Likelihoods for\n{} ' \ # 'against {} (index={})'.format(x, y, i) # # # elif self.title is 'profile': # # self.title = x # # # plt.title(self.title) # # if self.log10: # plt.ylabel(r'log$_{10}$' + '[{}]'.format(y)) # plt.xlabel(r'log$_{10}$' + '[{}]'.format(x)) # if self.color == 'RSS': # cb.set_label('log$_{10}$[RSS]') # else: # plt.ylabel(y) # plt.xlabel(x) # if self.color == 'RSS': # cb.set_label('RSS') # # if self.ylim is not None: # plt.ylim(self.ylim) # # if self.xlim is not None: # plt.xlim(self.xlim) # # if self.savefig: # d = os.path.join(self.results_directory, str(i)) # d = os.path.join(d, x) # self.create_directory(d) # fname = os.path.join(d, misc.RemoveNonAscii(y).filter + '.{}'.format(self.ext)) # # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') #'saved to --> {}'.format(fname)) # # if # # # def plot_pdf(self): # """:return:""" # raise NotImplementedError # # with PdfPages() # for x in self.x: # for y in self.y: # if self.multiplot: # fig = plt.figure() # for i in self.index: # plot_data =[x, i][y] # if type(plot_data) == pandas.Series: # plot_data = pandas.DataFrame(plot_data) # # if not self.multiplot: # fig = plt.figure() # # plot_data = plot_data.reset_index() # # x_plot = plot_data['Parameter Of Interest Value'] # y_plot = plot_data[y] # # if self.interpolation is not None: # f = interp1d(x_plot, y_plot, kind=self.interpolation) # minimum = x_plot.min() # maximum = x_plot.max() # step = (maximum - minimum) / self.interpolation_resolution # xnew = numpy.arange(start=minimum, stop=maximum, step=step) # ynew = f(xnew) # plt.plot(xnew, ynew, 'k') # plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, 'ro', label=y, linewidth=2) # linestyle='o', color='red') # else: # plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, label=y, marker='o') # # if y is 'RSS': # plt.plot(plot_data['Parameter Of Interest Value'], # plot_data['Confidence Level'], linewidth=3, # linestyle='--', color='green', label='CL') # # if self.show_best_rss: # best_rss = list(set(plot_data['Best RSS Value'])) # best_param_val = list(set(plot_data['Best Parameter Value'])) # plt.plot(best_param_val, best_rss, self.best_rss_marker, linewidth=5, # markersize=12) # # if self.legend: # if self.legend_loc is not None: # plt.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) # else: # plt.legend(loc='best') # # if self.despine: # seaborn.despine(fig=fig, top=True, right=True) # # if self.title is None: # self.title = 'Profile Likelihoods for\n{} ' \ # 'against {} (index={})'.format(x, y, i) # # elif self.title is 'profile': # self.title = x # # else: # plt.title(self.title) # # if self.log10: # plt.ylabel('log10 {}'.format(y)) # plt.xlabel('log10 {}'.format(x)) # else: # plt.ylabel(y) # plt.xlabel(x) # # if self.ylim is not None: # plt.ylim(self.ylim) # # if self.xlim is not None: # plt.xlim(self.xlim) # # if self.savefig: # d = os.path.join(self.results_directory, str(i)) # d = os.path.join(d, x) # self.create_directory(d) # fname = os.path.join(d, misc.RemoveNonAscii(y).filter + '.{}'.format(self.ext)) # # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') #'saved to --> {}'.format(fname)) # # if # # class PearsonsCorrelation(_Viz): # """======== ================================================= # kwarg Description # ======== ================================================= # **kwargs see :ref:`kwargs` for more options # ======== ================================================= # # Args: # # Returns: # # """ # # def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # """ # # :param cls: # Instance of :py:class:`tasks.MultiParameterEstimation` # Same as :py:class:`PlotTimeCourseEnsemble` # # :param kwargs: # """ # self.cls = cls # self.kwargs = kwargs # self.plot_kwargs = self.plot_kwargs() # # self.default_properties = { # 'x': 'RSS', # 'y': None, # 'sep': '\t', # 'log10': False, # 'truncate_mode': 'percent', # 'theta': 100, # 'xtick_rotation': 'horizontal', # 'ylabel': 'Frequency', # 'savefig': False, # 'results_directory': None, # 'dpi': 400, # 'title_fontsize': 35, # 'title': True, # Either True or None/False # 'show': False, # 'ext': 'png', # 'colorbar_pad': 0.1, # padding for color bar. Dist between bar and axes # 'context': 'talk', # 'font_scale': 1.5, # 'rc': None, # 'copasi_file': None, # 'cmap': 'BrBG_r', # 'center': None, # 'robust': False, # 'annot': None, # 'fmt': '.2g', # 'annot_kws': None, # 'linewidths': 0, # 'linecolor': 'white', # 'cbar': True, # 'cbar_kws': None, # 'cbar_ax': None, # 'square': False, # 'xticklabels': 'auto', # 'yticklabels': 'auto', # 'mask': None, # 'ax': None, # } # # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # for i in list(kwargs.keys()): # assert i in list(self.default_properties.keys()), '{} is not a keyword argument for PearsonsHeatMap'.format( # i) # self.kwargs = self.default_properties # self.default_properties.update(kwargs) # self.default_properties.update(self.plot_kwargs) # self.update_properties(self.default_properties) # self._do_checks() # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale, rc=self.rc) # # = self.parse(self.cls, log10=self.log10, copasi_file=self.copasi_file) # # = self.truncate(, mode=self.truncate_mode, theta=self.theta) # # self.combinations = self.get_combinations() # self.pearsons, self.p_val = self.do_pearsons() # self.heatmap() # # def _do_checks(self): # """:return:""" # if isinstance(self.cls, str): # if self.copasi_file is None: # raise ValueError('When first argument is a string ' # 'pointing to parameter estimation data ' # 'specify an argument to copasi_file') # if self.results_directory is None: # try: # self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.cls.model.root, 'PearsonsCorrelation') # except AttributeError as e: # self.results_directory = os.path.join( # os.path.dirname(self.copasi_file), 'PearsonsCorrelation' # ) # # def get_combinations(self): # """ """ # return permutations(list(, 2) # # def do_pearsons(self): # """:return:""" # dct = {} # for x, y in self.combinations: # dct[(x, y)] = pearsonr([x],[y]) # # df = pandas.DataFrame(dct).transpose() # , index=['r2', 'p-val']).transpose() # df.columns = ['r2', 'p-val'] # = ['x', 'y'] # df = df.unstack() # df = df.fillna(value=numpy.nan) # return df['r2'], df['p-val'] # # def heatmap(self): # """ """ # seaborn.set_context(context=self.context, font_scale=self.font_scale) # data = self.pearsons # # data = data.drop('RSS', axis=0) # data = data.drop('RSS', axis=1) # # plt.figure() # fig = seaborn.heatmap(data=data, # cmap=self.cmap, # vmin=-1, vmax=1, #, # robust=self.robust, # annot=self.annot, # fmt=self.fmt, # annot_kws=self.annot_kws, # linewidths=self.linewidths, # linecolor=self.linecolor, # cbar=self.cbar, # cbar_kws=self.cbar_kws, # cbar_ax=self.cbar_ax, # square=self.square, # xticklabels=self.xticklabels, # yticklabels=self.yticklabels, # mask=self.mask, #, # ) # # if self.log10: # plt.title('Pearsons Correlation (Log10)') # # else: # plt.title('Pearsons Correlation') # # if self.savefig: # self.create_directory(self.results_directory) # fname = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'PearsonsHeatmap' + '.{}'.format(self.ext)) # # plt.savefig(fname, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') #'saved to --> {}'.format(fname)) # pearsons_data_file = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'r2_data.csv') # p_val_file = os.path.join(self.results_directory, 'p_val_data.csv') # self.pearsons.to_csv(pearsons_data_file, sep='\t') # self.p_val.to_csv(p_val_file, sep='\t') # # if #