
PyCoTools is a python package that was developed as an alternative interface into COPASI, simulation software for modelling biochemical systems. The PyCoTools paper can be found here and describes in detail the intentions and functionality of PyCoTools. There are some important differences between the PyCoTools version that is described in the publication and the current version. The first and most important is that PyCoTools is now a python 3 only package. If using Python 2.7 you should create a virtual Python 3.6 environment using conda or virtualenv. My preference is conda. The other major difference is the interface into COPASI’s parameter estimation task which has a new interface and has been enhanced to support all features of COPASI’s parameter estimation task.



$ pip install pycotools3

Remember to source activate your python 3.6 environment if you need to.

To install from source:

$ git clone
$ cd pycotools3
$ python install

The procedure is the same in linux, mac and windows.


This is a guide to PyCoTools version >2.0.1.


Users can post a question on stack-overflow using the pycotools tag. I get email notifications for these questions and will respond.


PyCoTools has been developed by Ciaran Welsh in Daryl Shanley’s lab at Newcastle University.


  • Non-ascii characters are minimally supported and can break PyCoTools
  • Do not use unusual characters or naming systems (i.e. A reaction name called “A -> B” will break pycotools)
  • In COPASI we can have (say) a global quantity and a metaboltie with the same name because they are different entities. This is not supported in Pycotools and you must use unique names for every model component

Citing PyCoTools

If you made use of PyCoTools, please cite this article using:

  • Welsh, C.M., Fullard, N., Proctor, C.J., Martinez-Guimera, A., Isfort, R.J., Bascom, C.C., Tasseff, R., Przyborski, S.A. and Shanley, D.P., 2018. PyCoTools: a Python toolbox for COPASI. Bioinformatics, 34(21), pp.3702-3710.

And also please remember to cite COPASI:

  • Hoops, S., Sahle, S., Gauges, R., Lee, C., Pahle, J., Simus, N., Singhal, M., Xu, L., Mendes, P. and Kummer, U., 2006. COPASI—a complex pathway simulator. Bioinformatics, 22(24), pp.3067-3074.

and tellurium:

  • Medley, J.K., Choi, K., König, M., Smith, L., Gu, S., Hellerstein, J., Sealfon, S.C. and Sauro, H.M., 2018. Tellurium notebooks—An environment for reproducible dynamical modeling in systems biology. PLoS computational biology, 14(6), p.e1006220.